By creating a responsive environment in our infant room, we can be sure that our program addresses the needs and growing abilities of young children. We send positive messages by creating an environment where infants feel safe and trust their surroundings. Our primary concerns are that each child feels loved, has all of their needs met, and is happy!


An infant’s first form of language is “babbling”, so we make sure they hear plenty of words and sounds to encourage language. We do this by taking every opportunity to communicate with your child whether it is during feeding, diapering or playing.

Visual Aids

We offer many different visual aids, including things they can grasp, hold, pull or push. These aids encourage hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and cognitive development.


Some of our daily actives include finger painting, flash cards, and reading books. Research has shown that it is by exploration that children discover the world around them.

Circle time is important in our room, and the infants love to listen to stories and look at pictures with their friends!